Kid Diners Featured In The Winnipeg Free Press

Hunger Games

Winnipeg preteens learn about, prepare food from coast to coast on their TV series

By Alison Gillmor of the Winnipeg Free Press

For many of us, our first jobs involved food. Maybe we washed dishes or bused tables. For Winnipeggers Aynalem Martens and Xander Boulard, their debut gig involved travelling across Canada from Charlottetown, P.E.I. to Victoria, B.C., cooking alongside restaurant chefs and eating some terrific food. 

Nice work if you can get it, and Xander and Aynalem were just 10 years old at the time. As the hosts of Kid Diners, a new 13-part kid-focused show from Farpoint Films, a Winnipeg-based TV and film production company, they got to learn all about food: where it comes from, how it’s prepared and, especially, how it tastes.

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