Farpoint Films

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Finding Diamonds - the hit CBC Gem show starring Ian Bawa and Diamond was recently featured in the Winnipeg Free Press:

Who rescued whom?

New docuseries highlights stories of animal-assisted healing

By: Eva Wasney

As the saying (sort of) goes: Diamond is Ian Bawa’s best friend.

Diamond, a one-eyed yellow Labrador retriever mix, came into Bawa’s life when he was in desperate need of companionship following the death of his father.

“I was alone in my small condo for three, four months, just kind of melting away from the world,” he says. “She made my life better.”

The Winnipeg filmmaker, 37, and his canine co-host (“maybe eight or nine? No one really knows”) are now stars of a new CBC docuseries, Finding Diamonds, which follows the pair as they travel across the country highlighting other stories of animal-assisted healing in the face of grief and trauma.

Visit here to read the full article.